Exquisite Floral Candles by Eri

The Floral Candle Virtuoso of Nara

The Floral Candle Virtuoso of Nara

In the realm of Japanese artistry, where every creation is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship, Eri from Nara stands out as a floral candle virtuoso. Her journey into the world of wax began at the Candle Vida, Osaka School Special Artist Training Program, following her graduation from Art University. In 2014, she earned her certification as an exquisite candle artist from the Art Candle Association, marking the beginning of her luminous career.

“The spark of my candle-making passion ignited when a college friend gifted me an enchanting doughnut-shaped candle on my birthday. Its intricate design and warm glow captivated me, awakening a newfound curiosity. As fate would have it, I discovered that my friend was a skilled candle artisan, generously sharing her craft. And so began my clandestine affair with wax, wick, and creativity—a quiet interplay of light and shadow in the corners of my spare hours.”

Since then, Eri has dedicated herself to perfecting her floral candle creations. Her focus on floral and decorative figurines has resulted in life-like, functional candles that adorn and delight any space. Beyond crafting these beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces, Eri also imparts her knowledge and passion through teaching at her private studio.

“In the delicate cradle of translucent candle wax, I find my canvas for expression. Each flicker of flame becomes a brushstroke, revealing my unique perspective on beauty—the interplay of light and shadow, the subtle play of translucency. As I craft candles, I mold not just wax, but fragments of my essence, infusing them with luminescence.”

Eri’s creations are more than just candles; they are expressions of nature’s beauty, captured in wax. Her work continues to illuminate the world, one flicker at a time, bringing warmth and elegance to every corner they touch.

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